Law student Eric Berndt, upset with Justice Scalia's oral argument questions and dissenting opinion in Lawrence v. Texas, asked the Justice: "Do you sodomize your wife?"This technique will only work as long as the few surviving members of an older generation are around to be verbally abused.
Neo-traditionalists, right-wing radio fans, and libertarians will be able to flip questions like that easily and give as good as they've got. Lefties should spend a bit more time practicing argumentation rather than insult because insults will be wasted against most of their modern opposition.
"No, I'm not a sodomite because my faith calls it a sin so I choose not to indulge" would be a good Neo-Trad answer and one that is non-falsifiable by Mods.
Other answers suggest themselves:
"I don't know, you'll have to ask her."
"How dare you! (Wap) My Second is Clarence Thomas. If you are a man, (somehing I have cause to doubt) have your Seconds contact him immediately."
"Since your domestic relations philosophy advocates the elimination of concepts such as 'wife', 'husband', 'mother', and 'father'; you are logically estopped from asking any questions that use those terms."
"Are you using the legal or the popular definition of sodomy in your question?"