Why would you outsource the mental, moral, and spiritual development of your children to the government? Are they well-equipped to provide those services?
- The curriculum of government schools is lousy.
- The pedagogy of government schools is junk.
- The institutional culture of government schools is unfortunate. Administration is top heavy, impersonal, and bureaucratic.
- The social culture of government schools is lousy. Pop Cult, badly dressed, foul mouthed.
- The political culture of government schools is hard-core left wing.
- Families and their children attending government schools will find themselves subject to much greater government tracking and regulation than non-affiliated families with children. Your child is much more likely to be arrested if he attends government schools and you are much more likely to have a child protective services case opened against you than if your child doesn't attend government schools.
I was schooled privately from age 3 through age 24 (preschool through law school). No government schools, no government money, no government loans. This was back when homeschooling was still a crime so I went to organized schools. Luckily, this was also before federal loans drastically increased the cost of college making it hard to buy on the market.